Friday 4 March 2016

Week 8 -- WIKIS

Hello Everyone!

Fellow bloggers, I cannot wait to share what I found for you guys to read this week of off my feedly feed. I know many of us are full time students, and are living on campus or off campus on our own on a tight budget, and we cannot find enough money to eat healthy. Well I have found a blog that discuss how to budget clean eating.  This blog is a live saver for me, as I am a health freak I try to make all my own food and try to avoid going out, but lately that has been so hard with the increase in produce. Wait what am I saying the price of grocery has increased so much the past few month, like 7.99 for cauliflower I could get a whole meal at fast food restaurant for that price.  If you are feeling the same way I am, I suggest giving this post a read.  

Lichvar, M. (2011).[Online Image]
Retrieved from
This week I would like to express my thoughts on the topic of digital rights and responsibilities and the online tool known as Wikis. When becoming a digital citizen it is important to remember the rules and responsibilities you have. When in the digital world it is important you have all the rights to use the different types of digital technology, and using it appropriately (Ferris). There are five rights and six responsibilities, which all surround the idea of having proper netiquette and being appropriate when in the digital world.

The second topic of the week was the online tool known as Wiki, which is a site that can be freely used anyone and anything can be posted on there (Tangient, 2016). I noticed that I had similar point to a blog post on the benefits of wikis. I personally use wiki for educational purpose when researching a certain topic for projects or papers. There are benefits and costs to using this tool for educational purposes. The benefits of wikis are there are many different perspectives on wiki, since anyone can share their knowledge. Therefore, this allows for individual to collaborate on topics of interests (Tangient, 2016). The cost of using wikis is use never know if the information on there is valid and correct. However, as discussed a few weeks ago in one of my blogs is the idea of using the TRASH Method or the InternetDetective Method, to see if the information is correct and reliable. 
arenastudies (February, 2012) [Online Image]
Retrieved from

Wikis is a very unique tool, as it is different then many of the other tools that we use for collaboration. The reason it is different is because it is a webpage that contain all of this information that is open for editing, which means we do not know what we are reading has already been edited. Therefore, I still use wikis for educational purpose, but I use them more to see the different perspectives that people have. However, I personally enjoy blogs better as you know where the information is coming from and who said it.

So I bet you are all wondering if I am going to add this tool to my Personal Learning Environment, and Personal Learning Network, and the answer is YES, as many so are many of my other bloggers. I feel that this tool does still contribute to my learning of helping me see different perspective, and how to collaborate with other. Therefore, I will be adding under the collaboration tab.

Thank you for reading my blog !

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