Wednesday 16 March 2016

Week 10 -- Slideshows

Hello Bloggers!
            Before we get started this week I would like to share with you something that I found interesting on my feedly feed. Is this video post from Ted-Ed explains how to improve your critical thinking skills. I felt this was important because I know sometime I feel that I am lacking in critic
al thinking skills. So, if you struggle with critical thinking here are some tips to help. Now lets get into this weeks journey.
 Slideshow Icon [Online Image]
 Retrieved from
            Welcome to week 10! This week we explore many different tools that created slideshows in many different ways. We explored the tool Animoto, Fotobable, and Prezi. Before this week I have only used Prezi, the other two are new to me, as they probably are for you too.  Slideshows are always so creative, but this new tools make them even more creative. They allow you to present the information in a fun matter, and keep the audience attention while presenting.

Animoto is a tool that allows you tell a story, it allows you to uploads photos and put a song behind it. This tool has many different templates, which include different categories such as education, personal, and business. As stated in Brooke’s blog this tool is simple to use. However, I do agree with Brooke on one of Animoto pitfalls, which is you cannot add as much text, as the other tools. Therefore, I feel that I will be using this tool for more personal reason, such as creating slideshows of certain memories. For example, the video below is short clip of my Italy trip in the summer.

The second tool was Fotobabble, which allows you to incorporate, babble. When creating a slideshow you are able to use voice, which relates back to week 9.  Since. voice is important to contribute to our learning. However, like Brooke said not everyone is comfortable with using their voice in the digital world. I agree that using my voice is not my favourite because I feel that I sound like a little girl, but I will still try it, but it is not my favourite method.

            The last tool that I used this week for making slideshows was Prezi. This is a tool that I have used many of times before.  I love this tool and really enjoy using it, since it has many of different themes and paths to use. The paths that are given to you can be customized to your likely, you can add or take away from the path. Prezi allows you to add as much text, and photos, as you want. I used this tool to create my digital citizenship and copyrights presentation.Overall, I will be add all of these tool to my PLE, under productivity/create because it helps you to create the final product.

Also, this week besides learning about different slideshow tools, we explored how to search for copyright free images. Did you know there is a Google advanced search, which allows you to change the settings to find these copyright free images? Here is a video on how to use Google’s advanced image search, this was a very helpful tutorial for me. It showed me step by step what to do. As explained in my presentation in the slideshow page, there are copyrights and creative common.  Copyrights are the rights to protect your personal work from being used when unauthorized. Whereas creative commons, allows the creators to invite certain uses to their own work, but still preserving the rights  (Site2See, 2012).

Thank you for reading my blog please go check out my slideshow page above!

Sites2See. (2012). Copyright for Students (resource page). Available at


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I have separated my feedback about Animoto and your weekly post.

    I enjoyed the video this week. TED videos are fantasic.


  3. Hello Tyra,

    Great post this week. I always enjoy reading your posts, not only because you're the first person at the top of the wiki list for everyone to click on, but also because your feedly findings always bring me a new bit of insight. I learned a few little tricks to help improve my critical thinking skills, so thank you :)


  4. Hi Tyra!

    I really liked your input on Fotobabble as I didn't have the chance to explore this tool! I will for sure check it out because it seems like a great slideshow creator.
    Great work!

    Take care,

  5. Tyra,

    I am happy that you were able to relate to my blog post!

    Like you, I sometimes find that I lack good critical thinking skills, so I really enjoyed your post from Ted-Ed.

    Your blog post is great!


Creative Commons License
This work by Tyra Beraty is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.