Wednesday 23 March 2016

Week 11 -- Podcasts

Hello Bloggers,

            It is week 11, so we only have one more week together after this week. Throughout this course I have learned so much about the digital world, and been able to expand on the digital tools I use to learn. This week we learn about podcast and screencasts, and please go to my other pages to view my podcast. I was very nervous about making podcast because it was my first time ever making one. As Julia states in her blog, she is usually not comfortable with speaking in front of a large group, I struggle with the same thing. However, I agree that this tool was very easy for me to use because I do not see the large group, and it was very enjoyable to make. Oh wait, I did not even explain what a podcast is yet, you guys are probably thinking what is a podcast?

      A podcast is a digital recording of someone’s voice that is available for the digital world to see on the web, people can view, share, and download your podcast. Podcast can be used for a variety of different things; there are several educational purposes that an educator can use for. For example teachers can deliever a lesson to their students, and students can use them to expand their learning skills and gain experience (just like us)(EdTech, 2016).

2015 [Online Image] Retrieved from
      I feel that podcast are a great way to learn about digital literacy because when creating my podcast, I had to make sure that I was speaking clear and appropriately. Also, I feel that the tool helps you become a better digital citizens as a whole because you are becoming more involved with technology and learning how to use different tools.  The way that the podcast personally benefited me was by discussing why technology is so important to our world and what it is has to do with becoming a digital citizen, and being able to concour my fear of talking to a large group of people. Also, as I noticed in Julia blog, she states that you had to talk clear, which will help her with future interviews. I agree with her statement, as well I feel that talking clear will also help in other areas of your life as well, like future presentation, or future interaction with people.

[Online Image] Retrieved from
      This week when creating a podcast we were able to explore some tools that help create a podcast, such as SoundCloud, Jing, Garageband, and Muziboo. I choose to use SoundClould to create my podcast this week. It is an online audio platform that allows you to speak aloud about any topic and then share then to the digital world. I enjoyed using this tool very much this, I found it very simply to use. You can find more about SoundCloud on my Podcast page, which is right above under the tab titled podcast.

      Before I end this blog I want to share with you a helpful blog about healthy eating. I know Easter is just around the corner, and everyone is afraid of gaining that holiday weight back that we just lost from Christmas. Emily Skye Blog discussesgood fats vs. bad fats. I feel that we should give this post a read because it should me what fats to eat and what fats not to eat.

Thank you for reading my blog talk to guys next week for the last time!


  1. Hi Tyra,

    Great post this week! Thanks for using my blog as a reference to your blog! Im glad we think alike!


  2. Hi Trya,

    You note "Also, I feel that the tool helps you become a better digital citizens as a whole because you are becoming more involved with technology and learning how to use different tools"

    What are some other actions do you think would assist you in becoming a better digital citizen?


    1. Hi Sheila,
      There are many actions I feel that assist me in becoming a better digital citizen, like Twitter because I am learning how to use it for educational purpose, and using it to have a voice. So, I have to remember to speak appropriately, and respectful, which is part of becoming a digital citizen.



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This work by Tyra Beraty is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.