
This is the second last blog I will be writing for you guys, this week as I stated in my previous blog was this week’s focus is on creating podcast. To create my very first podcast I used SoundCloud because I found it very simply to use and signup. To signup all you had to do was connect it to your Google account, which we all have. I was really excited to create a podcast but also very nervous at the same time. I was scared that it was going to take me a few tries to perfect it, and make sure it sounds clear.

Podcast are used most commonly for people to communicate news or entertainment. Some podcasts have news updates, comedians and music. A Podcast gives the person an option to listen if they want too; this is like a radio station. Except with a podcast you have the ability to re-listen.

When creating a podcast you still have all the digital responsibity and rights, for example it is your responsibility to cite others works and information provided to create your podcast. Also, the listener has to cite the work they are hearing because it is not their work. Podcasts are useful tool that are beneficial to the digital society if used apporiporately. Podcasts allow citizens to have a freedom of speech and discuss what they feel on various topics. However, the citizen need remember to be respectful of others in the digital world.

This course has made me try new tools, for example I would have never created my own podcast if it was not for this course. Here is my first ever podcast: 

I hope you enjoyed my podcast, as well I hope you enjoyed creating your own!

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This work by Tyra Beraty is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.