
Welcome to my slideshow page!

 The first slideshow that I have created this week focuses on digital citizenship, especially the digital rights and responsibility. The key focus was the digital right and responsibility to cite others works, which involves copyright and creative commons. The tool I used on this slideshow was Prezi, which allows you to follow a set path. But do not worry you can still customize your presentation. I have embedded my slideshow below; you can see what features it has, such as different colour, fonts, templates, and effects. I hope this slideshow helps everyone realize how important to cite others work, and understand the different between copyright and creative common.

 My second slideshow that I created was with Animoto, this one is about my Italy Trip in 2015. This slideshow consisted of all my own photography. Therefore, I cited with creative commons. This tool allows you tell a story. With this tool you are able to add songs, texts, and photos to the slideshow.

 These two tools allowed me to explore different types of slideshow, and different ways of productivity. When creating the first slideshow, I had to make sure to properly cite the photos that I took from others. As this was the message of the week to properly cite others work. This is very important as a digital citizen, since there are consequences if you do not follow those rights and responsibility. It is important when you searching for a photo to use you find a photo under the creative common licenses, which allows you to share the images. However, there is one condition, you must properly give credit to the authors.

Thank you for exploring my slideshow page!


  1. Hi Tyra,

    I really enjoyed looking at both your Prezi and your Animoto! I thought too that Animoto would be a really neat tool to use for creating a slideshow for memories of a trip or family get togethers!

    Great Post!



  2. The prezi was a great addition as it allowed you to incorporate two tools we examined this week.



Creative Commons License
This work by Tyra Beraty is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.