
Voice Thread is a new way to experience in sharing insight to various topics and collaborate with others. Although, this tool is called Voice Thread there are many different ways you can communicate. For example, you can use audio, video, or text comment. As Brooke states some people may not feel comfortable using the audio or video commenting. I agree with Brooke, I felt more comfortable using the text option, however I did use the audio option to try it out. I enjoyed this tool very much as it allowed you to be creativity, since there were no limitations to how you express yourself. You are able to write as much as you want, unlike Twitter. This week I worked on a particular thread that is embedded below. With this thread I able to examine many individuals’ thoughts on Digital Rights and Responsibilities, as well as share my own thoughts. When explore this thread I noticed one cost to using the text comment option, which was that the font was very small, and there was only a small area for the text comments. Therefore you had to scroll down a lot to read the comment. However, that is just something so minor it did not affect my experience at all. I really enjoyed using this tool to share my thoughts and collaborate with others on how they feel about these various topics. I highly suggest using this tool, as I have added this tool to my personal learning environment under productivity and collaboration.

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This work by Tyra Beraty is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.