Thursday 10 March 2016

Week 9 -- VoiceThread and PollDaddy

Hello Bloggers,

Everyone, this week I would like to share a post from feedly account that has some interesting facts about stress that I feel need to be known. I know that we all endure a lot of stress in our lives, due to school, family, and money. However, according to this post off my feedly account, long term stress is affecting our short-term memory. I suggest giving this post a read as it tells you how stress affects our memory, and for how long. I personally found it very interesting to read. It is very relevant to university student who are experiencing a lot of stress.

VoiceThread [Online Image] Retrieved from
WOW! I cannot believe we are almost done the term and we are going to have to say goodbye to each other.  The time together has gone by so fast, but that is because we are learning and having fun with all of these tools, while becoming digital citizens.  The purpose of this week’s blog is to discuss the tool VoiceThread and PollDaddy and what they have to offer. This was my first time trying VoiceThread out this week, as I am sure it is for most of you. After exploring the VoiceThread, I was able to see how it works, and what type of features it has. This tool allows you collaborate with others around the world by sharing comments through auditory, visual, or through text. After you post your comment anyone can see your comment on the slideshow.

I agree with Educause (2009) that this is a great tool for educators to be using for things like presentation when they give their students a video and ask questions related to the video. It is also great for the students to get involved and voice their opinion.  I noticed in my classmate’s blog that we both agree that it is an easy tool to use that allows for interaction between individuals using digital communication.

PollDaddy (2013) [Online Image] Retrieved from
The second tool we looked at was PollDaddy. Once again it was my first time using and hearing about this tool this week. I agree with my fellow bloggers that it is a great tool to use for blogs and social networks. This tool allows you to ask questions and poll specific answers to see what people within your personal learning network think the answer may be. This tool allow you to collect data
for productivity.

Please check out my new page on my blog called VoiceThread, as you will be able to explore all the reason why I think this tool is so great. You will also be able to explore the VoiceThread that my class and I participated in on digital rights and responsibilities. I will be for sure adding VoiceThread to my Personal Learning Network and Environment, since it allows me to collaborate with others on various topics.

I hope to hear your thoughts on Voice Thread and Poll Daddy. Please your comments below to tell me about your experience this week.

Thank you for reading my blog!



  1. Hi Tyra!

    I liked using VoiceThread this week, I thought it was a really neat tool! I probably will not use it all the time as I like using tools like Evernote and Google Docs better but I liked learning about it so I can use it if I need to.

    Great Post!


  2. Hi Tyra,
    Thank you for including connection to your fellow classmate's blog.

    I didn't see your voicethread page link. Did I overlook it or is it going to be in a separate post?


    1. Hi Sheila,
      my voicethread is at the top in a different page, I hope that is okay


Creative Commons License
This work by Tyra Beraty is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.