Thursday 28 January 2016

Weekly Report & Reflection Blog Post #4 (Bookmarking)

     Before I get into my blog I would like to share with one of my readings I found on my RSS Feed tool. I came across this reading and feel that has connected with my learning.  The reading was a blog post entitled organize your homework. The reason I am sharing this page is face not everyone strong suit is staying organized, and it one of my pet peeves when I see people binders and they are a mess. This page gives you tips on how to stay organized using the web tool called evernote.
The concept of bookmarking is a very important tool to use when you have a lot of different websites that you visit on a daily basis. The tool that I have been using this week for bookmarking is Diigo. This tool has helped me to organize my most used website into different types of categories all on one page. Examples of some of my categories are Essay Help, Education, Workout and many others. The best part of Diigo is that if you sign in to a different computer or device you are able to still have your most visited website at your hands. But, remember this idea of bookmarking is different then RSS Feeds because bookmarking just stores your website for you on page, as compared to an RSS feeds gives your favourite websites updates. However, with the Diigo you able to highlight important information, sticky note the websites, and even screenshot the information.

    Diigo is going to be a very useful tool for my education, since when in University you have to do a lot of different research on vary topic making it confusing later which websites was for which topic. But with the handy tool Diigo you will be able neatly organize each website on page under certain categories. Also, if you do not finish that 20 pages reading (lets all be realistic who finish the reading in one go) with Diigo there is a feature that lets you press read later to remind you that you still need to read the website/ article. Another helpful feature for my education on Diigo is the ability to highlight right on the website, which eliminates be writing it down somewhere else. I feel that the best feature of Diigo is that everything is neatly organized on one site.

    Well bookmarking it is important to use the TRASH METHOD or INTERNET DETECTIVE Model to ensure that you have a valid and reliable source. Since we all know that everything we read online is not always correct. Therefore, valid and reliable sources are important to help contribute to your building knowledge is because you know that the information that you are reading is accurate and not false. Thus, creating knowledge that is accurate that is based of evidences.
    For me the concept of Bookmarking would be categorized as an organizational tool for my Personal Learning Environment, but remember everyone is different when it comes to learning. I personally would add this tool to my PLE diagram as; I will be using this tool for the rest of education career (actually for the rest of my life). I will be using this tool to ensure that I stay organized and all of my websites are read, noted and properly stored.

    So far through out this course, the ability to partake in this weekly session, I have discovered many new tools to use on the web. I am also, learning how to use this new web tools and the benefits and responsibilities that come with them. Thus, this is allowing me to become more of digital citizen, as well as gaining digital literacy.


  1. Hey Tyra!
    This was a great read as now I feel a bit more educated on Diigo. I look forward to reading more.

  2. Thanks Julia, I am glad I could help expand your knowledge on the many tools available to us to benefit our personal learning environments


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This work by Tyra Beraty is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.