Tuesday 5 January 2016

Everyone Needs a Digital Footprint

Digital footprint is known as the traces or footprint the people leave online. An individual can have a positive or negative digital footprint. In today’s world it is important to have a digital footprint, since when applying to future jobs, employers will look at ones digital footprints and online presence.

This blog will discusses how to create a positive digital footprint and what is a positive digital footprint.

What strategies will you use to maintain a positive digital footprint?

·      Staying up to date with the sharing settings on your social media sites (Facebook, Twitter, Etc.) – making sure that you know what is out there for all to see
·      Be cautious of what you and others are posting about you
·      Remember to keep your comments on blogs and social media professional, positive, and productive – making sure not swear and talk about illegal activities
·      Search your name to see your digital footprint- searching yourself in Google is a good way to make sure no one is making any fake profiles about you.
·      Google alerts is a good tool to have to monitor your online presence – making sure no one is using your name to create fake profiles
·      Notifications about if you are being mentioned on any type of social networking is important – making sure to know what is being said about you at all times, you can use an app called social mention. There are also many of different apps to help ensure a positive online presence, such as Google alerts.

Therefore a positive digital footprint is making sure that your online presence is professional and productive.

To gain a better understanding of your online presence it is important to know the elements behind being a digital citizenship.

There are nine basic elements of being a digital citizenship, and all of them matter.
Personally for myself the three that I feel I lack knowledge in is digital rights and responsibilities, which includes the privileges and freedom extended to all users, and the behavioral expectations that come with technology. For example, understanding the copyrights material. The second aspect that I lack knowledge is the digital law of being digital citizenship; this includes the legal rights and restrictions governing technology use. One example is how to use the information and treat the information on the Internet. The last element that I lack in is digital health and wellness of the use of technology. This is may include the elements of physical and psychological wellness.

I personally feel that today many people know how to use the technology but do not know how to use it properly and do not understand the consequence of not using it properly.

Digital citizenship is very effective in today’s generations. “Being digital citizenship has many benefits.” Such as, learn new things about themselves and the ability to conduct and express themselves. This relates to the blog six reason why kids should know how to blog. The reason this blog connects to being a digital citizenship is because the 6 reasons are very similar to the elements. The 6 reasons describe how to create a good online presence and the rules behind it.

Don’t forget there are always rules!

Let’s all create a good online presence J

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