Monday 4 January 2016

About Tyra Beraty

Hi Everyone,

            My name is Tyra Beraty, I am a second year student at Brock university, who is studying Child and Youth Studies, and hope to attend teacher college at D'Youville  My dream is to become an elementary school in the future. I have always wanted to be a teacher since I was little girl. I never wanted to be no princess or fairy, therefore a lot of people who know me think of me as a realist. 

     Being a teacher is not my only dream, as my second dream in the world is to travel the world, since I am a very curious person. I enjoy to explore and try new things, but NOT foods, I am a very picky eater. However, so far I have travel to Dominican Republic in the summer of 2014,  that was one of the best experience of my life. I was able to local children on the beach and go to their home, which was the forest and see how they live. So every morning I would put food from the buffet in my beach bag and bring it to them. For that reason a lot of people say I am very warm hearted and giving. The best part of my vacation was being able to dance with them on the beach as they created music.

  The second place I have been so far during my travel is Italy for two weeks. I loved the food there, like you have never had pizza before until you have had pizza from Italy. Then again, everyone says Welland has the best Pizza, BUT trust me it just does not compare. I was in heaven when I walked into the pizzeria. There were so many different flavours and styles. The second best thing about Italy was the scenery, it was beautiful. The mountains and the structure of the buildings were just amazing. This trip was just breathe taking.

Beside travelling and wanting to be a teacher, my other hobbies are yoga. The reason I enjoy yoga so much is because I enjoy the reveal of the stress after a stressful day at school or an exam. As I am sure a lot of you can relate too.

So overall to some up the whole package of Tyra Beraty, I am very outgoing and love travel and exploring. The biggest thing for me is becoming a teacher, so I would travel all over the world to become a teacher. In matter of fact that would be my dream since I love to teach and travel, that would be my ultimate dream.

Oh wait one more thing about my motto is that big things come in small packages, since I am only 4'11, I still feel that I have a big heart and I can still accomplish my dreams, no matter what is put in my way.

     The purpose of this blog is to introduce myself and express myself. The blog will include my opinions, idea and enthusiasm on views. During this course I hope to gain and expand my online skills, and online presence.

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This work by Tyra Beraty is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.