Wednesday 20 January 2016

Week 3: RSS Feeds

          So what is the RSS feed tool? RSS feeds is known as a technology that helps you to keep your favourite website organized and notified when there is an update on there feed. It is known as a form of bookmarking from the old days (oh how technology just keeps changing, so quickly). The RSS feed does not have all the problems that bookmarking had, as RSS feeds put the website into categories for you, which makes it a lot easier to find what we are looking for (Rowse, 2010). This makes become a digital citizen a lot easier!
It is just the start of 2016; therefore it is the start for a new and improved you. I am here to help you with your workout habits, as many of you say you do not have the time to go to the gym or do not know to eat healthy, well here is the blog for you The Lazy Girl Fitness. This blog contains all of the best recipes for you, and they are not gross healthy recipes either, which makes it a lot easier to keep up with. If you are looking to try a great protein recipe this is the place to look. This blog was a lifesaver for me, as I learned how to make cookies, but just with less sugar and fat, since I want to watch the amount of sugar I am eating but it is so hard when I love sweets. So if you are a sweets lover like me, but want to watch your figure I suggest give this blog a look through.
     RSS feeds are a very useful tool to manage your online knowledge, RSS feeds are assisting to the contribute to my work in building my digital literacy by showing me how to use different online tools such as Feedly, which is RSS feeds tool.  The independence of freely being able to explore and choice your feeds is building my digital responsibility needed to have a positive digital footprint. There are many positive aspect when looking at technology, The RSS taught me that it is digital citizenship is important because it teaches you communication, responsibility, and collaboration. Therefore, to be a digital citizenship you have to focus on the positives that the online world can you, create a digital footprint (Ribble, 2015).

     What kind of tool would say you a RSS feed is for your personal learning environment? I would personally place the RSS feed into both an organizational tool and a socializing tool for my PLE. The reason it is an organizational tool is because it puts all of your websites in categorizes, keeping all of the updates organized. The reason it is also a socialization tools is because when on others blogs you are able to interact with other by communicating back and forth with comments. As the comments gives the blog more meaning.

       Do not forget everyone it is important to become a digital citizen, so join and start using the technology and tools provided to become a digital citizen.


  1. Each week, I thoroughly enjoy reading your posts. You seem to have a great understanding of this course and the course materials that are involved with each weeks blog posts. Continue to keep up the great work Tyra :)

  2. Thank you very much Andy, I really do appreciate the comment, and glad to hear you enjoy reading my post :)


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This work by Tyra Beraty is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.