Thursday 14 January 2016

The Personal Learning Environment of Tyra Beraty

Personal learning environment or also known as PLE. A PLE are systems that aid learners to take control of and achieve their own learning. The learner uses many different tools and techniques to aid their learning style. Every learner needs a personal learning environment because it is very unique interface, as it integrates personal and professional interests. Also a PLE creates motivation within the students since they feel in control. As said by IMAILE PLE provides support for learners to set goals, manage their learning, both content and process, and lastly be able to communicate with others. A Great example of how important a PLE is the true story of this 21-year-old student, who uses other tools rather than a textbook to learn, since many individuals are different learners.

Beraty, T (CC) 2016.

            As a student who has been working so hard for her dream for so long, with endless nights of studying and only thing keeping me awake is coffee. When looking at my personal learning environment habits, I envision myself in 5 years to be finishing teacher college, hopefully at Brock University. If not my plan b is to go to D’Youville College in Buffalo. By 25, I wish to be working as Teacher in an elementary school within Ontario. By 26, I wish to have a great income to be able to invest in buying house with my boyfriend and also to be married to my current boyfriend. Lastly, the most important goal/ dream of mine is to be content with where I am in life and what I have accomplished, so far.
The ways I hope to reach my goals is to study hard as a student and to keep volunteering at an elementary school, for experience on my resume. Also, to accomplish this goals/dreams I have to be able to become a successful learner and be able to be adaptable with different tools, such as different web tools will be able to further my learning to gain skills need, such as creating a positive digital footprint. Right now as student, to keep my goals and dreams on track I am using my time effectively, as well as balancing my time very well by using my day planner app. Also, I make sure that my learning environment is very relaxing and quiet, therefore I try to have no distraction, but that is a little hard in my house with a kitten and a boyfriend who does not stop talking.
Beraty, T (CC) 2016
To further my learning and my goals I will have to gain other skills within the desire workforce. So to accomplish that I will need to volunteer and work hands-on within my field of interest, since you cannot learn just from a textbook. By learning about your personal learning environment you learn what tools best suits those needs. For example, I can only be a successful student when I am using my time effectively by using tools such as day planner or Google Calendar. I learn also best through communication and socialization by using tools such as texting, Facebook, Twitter and Google blogs. I enjoy reading others points of view to help expand my opinion and be able to have an open mind. Being a teacher it is important to ensure you are opened to trying new ideas.

Your personal environment is a product of your learning so to ensure you have the best-fit environment for your learning you must be comfortable. To make sure I have a comfortable learning environment I make sure I am home a lone when there is peace and quiet, as I do not work well with distractions. Since as stated by the PowerPoint slide "A Bridge in the Cloud" a PLE is personal and you are able to individualize to fit your needs.

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This work by Tyra Beraty is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.