Thursday 28 January 2016

Weekly Report & Reflection Blog Post #4 (Bookmarking)

     Before I get into my blog I would like to share with one of my readings I found on my RSS Feed tool. I came across this reading and feel that has connected with my learning.  The reading was a blog post entitled organize your homework. The reason I am sharing this page is face not everyone strong suit is staying organized, and it one of my pet peeves when I see people binders and they are a mess. This page gives you tips on how to stay organized using the web tool called evernote.
The concept of bookmarking is a very important tool to use when you have a lot of different websites that you visit on a daily basis. The tool that I have been using this week for bookmarking is Diigo. This tool has helped me to organize my most used website into different types of categories all on one page. Examples of some of my categories are Essay Help, Education, Workout and many others. The best part of Diigo is that if you sign in to a different computer or device you are able to still have your most visited website at your hands. But, remember this idea of bookmarking is different then RSS Feeds because bookmarking just stores your website for you on page, as compared to an RSS feeds gives your favourite websites updates. However, with the Diigo you able to highlight important information, sticky note the websites, and even screenshot the information.

    Diigo is going to be a very useful tool for my education, since when in University you have to do a lot of different research on vary topic making it confusing later which websites was for which topic. But with the handy tool Diigo you will be able neatly organize each website on page under certain categories. Also, if you do not finish that 20 pages reading (lets all be realistic who finish the reading in one go) with Diigo there is a feature that lets you press read later to remind you that you still need to read the website/ article. Another helpful feature for my education on Diigo is the ability to highlight right on the website, which eliminates be writing it down somewhere else. I feel that the best feature of Diigo is that everything is neatly organized on one site.

    Well bookmarking it is important to use the TRASH METHOD or INTERNET DETECTIVE Model to ensure that you have a valid and reliable source. Since we all know that everything we read online is not always correct. Therefore, valid and reliable sources are important to help contribute to your building knowledge is because you know that the information that you are reading is accurate and not false. Thus, creating knowledge that is accurate that is based of evidences.
    For me the concept of Bookmarking would be categorized as an organizational tool for my Personal Learning Environment, but remember everyone is different when it comes to learning. I personally would add this tool to my PLE diagram as; I will be using this tool for the rest of education career (actually for the rest of my life). I will be using this tool to ensure that I stay organized and all of my websites are read, noted and properly stored.

    So far through out this course, the ability to partake in this weekly session, I have discovered many new tools to use on the web. I am also, learning how to use this new web tools and the benefits and responsibilities that come with them. Thus, this is allowing me to become more of digital citizen, as well as gaining digital literacy.

Wednesday 20 January 2016

Week 3: RSS Feeds

          So what is the RSS feed tool? RSS feeds is known as a technology that helps you to keep your favourite website organized and notified when there is an update on there feed. It is known as a form of bookmarking from the old days (oh how technology just keeps changing, so quickly). The RSS feed does not have all the problems that bookmarking had, as RSS feeds put the website into categories for you, which makes it a lot easier to find what we are looking for (Rowse, 2010). This makes become a digital citizen a lot easier!
It is just the start of 2016; therefore it is the start for a new and improved you. I am here to help you with your workout habits, as many of you say you do not have the time to go to the gym or do not know to eat healthy, well here is the blog for you The Lazy Girl Fitness. This blog contains all of the best recipes for you, and they are not gross healthy recipes either, which makes it a lot easier to keep up with. If you are looking to try a great protein recipe this is the place to look. This blog was a lifesaver for me, as I learned how to make cookies, but just with less sugar and fat, since I want to watch the amount of sugar I am eating but it is so hard when I love sweets. So if you are a sweets lover like me, but want to watch your figure I suggest give this blog a look through.
     RSS feeds are a very useful tool to manage your online knowledge, RSS feeds are assisting to the contribute to my work in building my digital literacy by showing me how to use different online tools such as Feedly, which is RSS feeds tool.  The independence of freely being able to explore and choice your feeds is building my digital responsibility needed to have a positive digital footprint. There are many positive aspect when looking at technology, The RSS taught me that it is digital citizenship is important because it teaches you communication, responsibility, and collaboration. Therefore, to be a digital citizenship you have to focus on the positives that the online world can you, create a digital footprint (Ribble, 2015).

     What kind of tool would say you a RSS feed is for your personal learning environment? I would personally place the RSS feed into both an organizational tool and a socializing tool for my PLE. The reason it is an organizational tool is because it puts all of your websites in categorizes, keeping all of the updates organized. The reason it is also a socialization tools is because when on others blogs you are able to interact with other by communicating back and forth with comments. As the comments gives the blog more meaning.

       Do not forget everyone it is important to become a digital citizen, so join and start using the technology and tools provided to become a digital citizen.

Tuesday 19 January 2016

My Experience with RSS Feeds

Peter, 2015
      Some may ask what is a RSS Feeds? I am here to share my experience with you today on the RSS feeds. The RSS feeds are a tool for individuals to state up-to date on all of their favourites blog. Therefore, RSS feeds are a limiting the idea of bookmarks, which was a concept from way back in the old days. In a sense RSS tells you when your favourite website/blog has added an object to their page, such as a new blog post. Also, with RSS you can create categories to keep your blogs/websites organized. With RSS I am able to search many different topics and keeps tabs on all of the new trends, as a student who is studying Child and Youth I am very interested in following the news stories around the world to be able to apply theories from the textbook. But, also I follow blogs that give helpful tips on everyday life, as being a student can get very hard to manage.
   As a student I find it is very hard to save your money, since you have the cost of school to pay for, which includes books, supplies, and laptops. The bills just keep adding up, as the years go on. By the end of 4 years university program most student who get student loans are in debt at least $35,000. That is a lot of money for an education, but how do this student pay off their debts if they do not have full-times job and are barely working during school. You can find all of the answer at Get Rich Slowly.
The Canadian Press, 2016

  As a student, I know the struggle of trying to save money well in school.The idea of trying to balance out the budget, is seen as impossible for most student. But with this blog post it makes the idea seem possible. This blog has taught many new things about how to save money well being a student. 

  One thing I learned well reading this blog about how to save money, is that you do not have to make a bunch of money to able to do what you want in life, you just need to make a budget plan for each month to ensure you can save for whatever you are saving for! ( like a trip to Cuba for Spring Break, or a new car, or even just a girls night out! Since we all need that once in a while) The message I received during this read is that to make sure you have the money you have to plan for it ahead of time.

So, if anyone wants to save money I highly suggest giving this blog a read!
Also, make sure to give RSS feeds a try to stay up to date with all of your favourite websites :), my suggestion is to use Feedly.

Thursday 14 January 2016

The Personal Learning Environment of Tyra Beraty

Personal learning environment or also known as PLE. A PLE are systems that aid learners to take control of and achieve their own learning. The learner uses many different tools and techniques to aid their learning style. Every learner needs a personal learning environment because it is very unique interface, as it integrates personal and professional interests. Also a PLE creates motivation within the students since they feel in control. As said by IMAILE PLE provides support for learners to set goals, manage their learning, both content and process, and lastly be able to communicate with others. A Great example of how important a PLE is the true story of this 21-year-old student, who uses other tools rather than a textbook to learn, since many individuals are different learners.

Beraty, T (CC) 2016.

            As a student who has been working so hard for her dream for so long, with endless nights of studying and only thing keeping me awake is coffee. When looking at my personal learning environment habits, I envision myself in 5 years to be finishing teacher college, hopefully at Brock University. If not my plan b is to go to D’Youville College in Buffalo. By 25, I wish to be working as Teacher in an elementary school within Ontario. By 26, I wish to have a great income to be able to invest in buying house with my boyfriend and also to be married to my current boyfriend. Lastly, the most important goal/ dream of mine is to be content with where I am in life and what I have accomplished, so far.
The ways I hope to reach my goals is to study hard as a student and to keep volunteering at an elementary school, for experience on my resume. Also, to accomplish this goals/dreams I have to be able to become a successful learner and be able to be adaptable with different tools, such as different web tools will be able to further my learning to gain skills need, such as creating a positive digital footprint. Right now as student, to keep my goals and dreams on track I am using my time effectively, as well as balancing my time very well by using my day planner app. Also, I make sure that my learning environment is very relaxing and quiet, therefore I try to have no distraction, but that is a little hard in my house with a kitten and a boyfriend who does not stop talking.
Beraty, T (CC) 2016
To further my learning and my goals I will have to gain other skills within the desire workforce. So to accomplish that I will need to volunteer and work hands-on within my field of interest, since you cannot learn just from a textbook. By learning about your personal learning environment you learn what tools best suits those needs. For example, I can only be a successful student when I am using my time effectively by using tools such as day planner or Google Calendar. I learn also best through communication and socialization by using tools such as texting, Facebook, Twitter and Google blogs. I enjoy reading others points of view to help expand my opinion and be able to have an open mind. Being a teacher it is important to ensure you are opened to trying new ideas.

Your personal environment is a product of your learning so to ensure you have the best-fit environment for your learning you must be comfortable. To make sure I have a comfortable learning environment I make sure I am home a lone when there is peace and quiet, as I do not work well with distractions. Since as stated by the PowerPoint slide "A Bridge in the Cloud" a PLE is personal and you are able to individualize to fit your needs.

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This work by Tyra Beraty is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.