Thursday 31 March 2016

Week 12 -- Final Week

Hello Everyone, WOW! I cannot believe this is the final week that I am collaborating with you on my journey of becoming a digital citizen. I cannot believe how fast time has flown right by us. I must say that it has definitely been great working with all of you. I hope you all the best in the future. 

Throughout this course we have been using digital technology, and encouraged to sign up for different online tools. These tools have contributed to my digital footprint in a positive. My instructions for this week were to Google myself and explain what I have found. I can tell you that a lot have changed over the past few months due this course. When I looked up my name I see some new profiles for different accounts. I see my sound cloud, Google plus, live binder, and twitter account. All of these did not show up previously to this course. I thought that this was very cool to see how much my digital footprint can grow. It was great to see that my blog post show up because they are everything I have learned about being a digital citizen.

ThinkGlink (2015) [Online Image] Retrieved from
At the start of the course I did not feel that I had a negative digital footprints, rather just a small one. As I am sure many of you had the same feeling, I noticed that Amberley had this feeling too. I learned a component of a digital citizen is positive digital footprint and communication, which is very important. I learned that positive footprint helps me both personally and professionally. This course has allowed me to create a positive footprint with interacting with my peers on these new tools. Also, I learned that communication helps to create a positive footprint as well, since there is so many different ways to communicate with each other. I can communicate with my peers on one on one basis, small groups or large groups. However, my favorite to communicate is by using blogger because I can broadcast a message to over hundreds of people

As a digital citizen it is important to remember the responsibilities and rights that go along with this community. Hence, the citizens need to treat this community with respect, as they would in the real world. It is not right to disrespect someone, and bullying them in the real world or the digital world. So, respect other opinions and posts and ensure that your posts are respectful.

The journey of becoming a digital citizen started with learning the basics of Netiquette, learning how to interact properly online. From there I was able to from digital literacy skills and increase the quality of my digital communication through the 9 elements of a digital citizen. This website helped me to understand the 9 elements of being a digital citizen. Many of the tools we have used have been put into my PLE, and will be used in the future. I am glad I am able to now embrace the digital world for educational purpose, rather than just social purposes.

Thank you for taking this journey with me of becoming a digital citizen! I really enjoyed the past 12 weeks with everyone, good luck with finals and the future!

Wednesday 23 March 2016

Week 11 -- Podcasts

Hello Bloggers,

            It is week 11, so we only have one more week together after this week. Throughout this course I have learned so much about the digital world, and been able to expand on the digital tools I use to learn. This week we learn about podcast and screencasts, and please go to my other pages to view my podcast. I was very nervous about making podcast because it was my first time ever making one. As Julia states in her blog, she is usually not comfortable with speaking in front of a large group, I struggle with the same thing. However, I agree that this tool was very easy for me to use because I do not see the large group, and it was very enjoyable to make. Oh wait, I did not even explain what a podcast is yet, you guys are probably thinking what is a podcast?

      A podcast is a digital recording of someone’s voice that is available for the digital world to see on the web, people can view, share, and download your podcast. Podcast can be used for a variety of different things; there are several educational purposes that an educator can use for. For example teachers can deliever a lesson to their students, and students can use them to expand their learning skills and gain experience (just like us)(EdTech, 2016).

2015 [Online Image] Retrieved from
      I feel that podcast are a great way to learn about digital literacy because when creating my podcast, I had to make sure that I was speaking clear and appropriately. Also, I feel that the tool helps you become a better digital citizens as a whole because you are becoming more involved with technology and learning how to use different tools.  The way that the podcast personally benefited me was by discussing why technology is so important to our world and what it is has to do with becoming a digital citizen, and being able to concour my fear of talking to a large group of people. Also, as I noticed in Julia blog, she states that you had to talk clear, which will help her with future interviews. I agree with her statement, as well I feel that talking clear will also help in other areas of your life as well, like future presentation, or future interaction with people.

[Online Image] Retrieved from
      This week when creating a podcast we were able to explore some tools that help create a podcast, such as SoundCloud, Jing, Garageband, and Muziboo. I choose to use SoundClould to create my podcast this week. It is an online audio platform that allows you to speak aloud about any topic and then share then to the digital world. I enjoyed using this tool very much this, I found it very simply to use. You can find more about SoundCloud on my Podcast page, which is right above under the tab titled podcast.

      Before I end this blog I want to share with you a helpful blog about healthy eating. I know Easter is just around the corner, and everyone is afraid of gaining that holiday weight back that we just lost from Christmas. Emily Skye Blog discussesgood fats vs. bad fats. I feel that we should give this post a read because it should me what fats to eat and what fats not to eat.

Thank you for reading my blog talk to guys next week for the last time!

Wednesday 16 March 2016

Week 10 -- Slideshows

Hello Bloggers!
            Before we get started this week I would like to share with you something that I found interesting on my feedly feed. Is this video post from Ted-Ed explains how to improve your critical thinking skills. I felt this was important because I know sometime I feel that I am lacking in critic
al thinking skills. So, if you struggle with critical thinking here are some tips to help. Now lets get into this weeks journey.
 Slideshow Icon [Online Image]
 Retrieved from
            Welcome to week 10! This week we explore many different tools that created slideshows in many different ways. We explored the tool Animoto, Fotobable, and Prezi. Before this week I have only used Prezi, the other two are new to me, as they probably are for you too.  Slideshows are always so creative, but this new tools make them even more creative. They allow you to present the information in a fun matter, and keep the audience attention while presenting.

Animoto is a tool that allows you tell a story, it allows you to uploads photos and put a song behind it. This tool has many different templates, which include different categories such as education, personal, and business. As stated in Brooke’s blog this tool is simple to use. However, I do agree with Brooke on one of Animoto pitfalls, which is you cannot add as much text, as the other tools. Therefore, I feel that I will be using this tool for more personal reason, such as creating slideshows of certain memories. For example, the video below is short clip of my Italy trip in the summer.

The second tool was Fotobabble, which allows you to incorporate, babble. When creating a slideshow you are able to use voice, which relates back to week 9.  Since. voice is important to contribute to our learning. However, like Brooke said not everyone is comfortable with using their voice in the digital world. I agree that using my voice is not my favourite because I feel that I sound like a little girl, but I will still try it, but it is not my favourite method.

            The last tool that I used this week for making slideshows was Prezi. This is a tool that I have used many of times before.  I love this tool and really enjoy using it, since it has many of different themes and paths to use. The paths that are given to you can be customized to your likely, you can add or take away from the path. Prezi allows you to add as much text, and photos, as you want. I used this tool to create my digital citizenship and copyrights presentation.Overall, I will be add all of these tool to my PLE, under productivity/create because it helps you to create the final product.

Also, this week besides learning about different slideshow tools, we explored how to search for copyright free images. Did you know there is a Google advanced search, which allows you to change the settings to find these copyright free images? Here is a video on how to use Google’s advanced image search, this was a very helpful tutorial for me. It showed me step by step what to do. As explained in my presentation in the slideshow page, there are copyrights and creative common.  Copyrights are the rights to protect your personal work from being used when unauthorized. Whereas creative commons, allows the creators to invite certain uses to their own work, but still preserving the rights  (Site2See, 2012).

Thank you for reading my blog please go check out my slideshow page above!

Sites2See. (2012). Copyright for Students (resource page). Available at

Thursday 10 March 2016

Week 9 -- VoiceThread and PollDaddy

Hello Bloggers,

Everyone, this week I would like to share a post from feedly account that has some interesting facts about stress that I feel need to be known. I know that we all endure a lot of stress in our lives, due to school, family, and money. However, according to this post off my feedly account, long term stress is affecting our short-term memory. I suggest giving this post a read as it tells you how stress affects our memory, and for how long. I personally found it very interesting to read. It is very relevant to university student who are experiencing a lot of stress.

VoiceThread [Online Image] Retrieved from
WOW! I cannot believe we are almost done the term and we are going to have to say goodbye to each other.  The time together has gone by so fast, but that is because we are learning and having fun with all of these tools, while becoming digital citizens.  The purpose of this week’s blog is to discuss the tool VoiceThread and PollDaddy and what they have to offer. This was my first time trying VoiceThread out this week, as I am sure it is for most of you. After exploring the VoiceThread, I was able to see how it works, and what type of features it has. This tool allows you collaborate with others around the world by sharing comments through auditory, visual, or through text. After you post your comment anyone can see your comment on the slideshow.

I agree with Educause (2009) that this is a great tool for educators to be using for things like presentation when they give their students a video and ask questions related to the video. It is also great for the students to get involved and voice their opinion.  I noticed in my classmate’s blog that we both agree that it is an easy tool to use that allows for interaction between individuals using digital communication.

PollDaddy (2013) [Online Image] Retrieved from
The second tool we looked at was PollDaddy. Once again it was my first time using and hearing about this tool this week. I agree with my fellow bloggers that it is a great tool to use for blogs and social networks. This tool allows you to ask questions and poll specific answers to see what people within your personal learning network think the answer may be. This tool allow you to collect data
for productivity.

Please check out my new page on my blog called VoiceThread, as you will be able to explore all the reason why I think this tool is so great. You will also be able to explore the VoiceThread that my class and I participated in on digital rights and responsibilities. I will be for sure adding VoiceThread to my Personal Learning Network and Environment, since it allows me to collaborate with others on various topics.

I hope to hear your thoughts on Voice Thread and Poll Daddy. Please your comments below to tell me about your experience this week.

Thank you for reading my blog!


Monday 7 March 2016

Use of Technology Scenario #3

Lawrence County School (2014) 
Sarah received a smartphone for her birthday. As with most smartphones, her has the ability to take photos and video. During algebra class, she decides to take a picture of Ms. Everett, the substitute, while her back is turned to the whiteboard. She uploads it to her Facebook account and talks about how boring class was. What are the issues?

Source: Ribble, M. (2015) Digital Citizenship in Schools (3rd Edition) International Society for Technology in Education ISBN 9781564843647
 Sarah is using technology inappropriately, as she is using her smartphone to post photo of her teacher without their permission. This is an invasion of Ms. Everett; however when it comes to Facebook there is no technology restrictions against posting a photo of someone else, but Facebook has statements on rights and responsibilities. If you violate this rights and responsibilities they have the power to revoke your ability to upload photo, or give you a warning (Demand Media). Also, Sarah is using digital communication inappropriately as well, since she is using it during class time for non-educational purposes (Ribble, 2015). The way that this situation could have been handle differently is by Sarah no taking a photo of her teacher and posting it to her Facebook. If Sarah was bored in class she could have waited to class was over to express herself on her social networking site, but with no use of the photo or the teacher’s name. As, it is okay to express yourself, since it our right to freedom of expression.

Do you agree with using cell phones during class time? Do you agree it is wrong to post a photo without their permission?

Friday 4 March 2016

Week 8 -- WIKIS

Hello Everyone!

Fellow bloggers, I cannot wait to share what I found for you guys to read this week of off my feedly feed. I know many of us are full time students, and are living on campus or off campus on our own on a tight budget, and we cannot find enough money to eat healthy. Well I have found a blog that discuss how to budget clean eating.  This blog is a live saver for me, as I am a health freak I try to make all my own food and try to avoid going out, but lately that has been so hard with the increase in produce. Wait what am I saying the price of grocery has increased so much the past few month, like 7.99 for cauliflower I could get a whole meal at fast food restaurant for that price.  If you are feeling the same way I am, I suggest giving this post a read.  

Lichvar, M. (2011).[Online Image]
Retrieved from
This week I would like to express my thoughts on the topic of digital rights and responsibilities and the online tool known as Wikis. When becoming a digital citizen it is important to remember the rules and responsibilities you have. When in the digital world it is important you have all the rights to use the different types of digital technology, and using it appropriately (Ferris). There are five rights and six responsibilities, which all surround the idea of having proper netiquette and being appropriate when in the digital world.

The second topic of the week was the online tool known as Wiki, which is a site that can be freely used anyone and anything can be posted on there (Tangient, 2016). I noticed that I had similar point to a blog post on the benefits of wikis. I personally use wiki for educational purpose when researching a certain topic for projects or papers. There are benefits and costs to using this tool for educational purposes. The benefits of wikis are there are many different perspectives on wiki, since anyone can share their knowledge. Therefore, this allows for individual to collaborate on topics of interests (Tangient, 2016). The cost of using wikis is use never know if the information on there is valid and correct. However, as discussed a few weeks ago in one of my blogs is the idea of using the TRASH Method or the InternetDetective Method, to see if the information is correct and reliable. 
arenastudies (February, 2012) [Online Image]
Retrieved from

Wikis is a very unique tool, as it is different then many of the other tools that we use for collaboration. The reason it is different is because it is a webpage that contain all of this information that is open for editing, which means we do not know what we are reading has already been edited. Therefore, I still use wikis for educational purpose, but I use them more to see the different perspectives that people have. However, I personally enjoy blogs better as you know where the information is coming from and who said it.

So I bet you are all wondering if I am going to add this tool to my Personal Learning Environment, and Personal Learning Network, and the answer is YES, as many so are many of my other bloggers. I feel that this tool does still contribute to my learning of helping me see different perspective, and how to collaborate with other. Therefore, I will be adding under the collaboration tab.

Thank you for reading my blog !
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This work by Tyra Beraty is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.